You've finished your new book! Now what? This is something that a lot of people dream of doing but have no idea how difficult it is. This became more of a reality when my husband asked we what I was going to do with all my spare time once I had completed my first draft of my newest book. I laughed and told him the work was just beginning.
When I first started this journey, like many people, I thought writing it once and going over it once was the hard part. But once I really got involved in the whole publishing business, I realized I really
had no clue what I was doing. Sure, the first part is hard, but it's nothing compared to what goes into getting your work out there for others to read. Query letters, finding agents, synopsis, finding out what publishing companies are looking for, emailing, and more emailing, being rejected over and over again. Then let's say you're lucky enough to find someone who actually believes in you. My goodness, the work has just begun, my friend!
Over the next several weeks, I'm going to be picking apart these different topics and giving you my insights, albeit they're not the end and beat all, but they may just help you along your way to becoming an author. I know when I first started, I needed all the help I could get! My advice is by far not the only way to do it, but it might just give you a little help. If that's all it does, then I will be happy. If you know of a better way, please feel free to comment but do so in a respectful way. I value your opinion and insight, please have the same respect for me. I'm all about learning more and if you can provide insightful information, please do!
I hope you join me in this journey into your dreams. Next week we will cover, the art of editing and the use of a beta reader.