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Erin Pemberton

Official website for the woman who loves to escape to a reality she creates!


The Sword of Lumina: Mira's View

The Sword of Lumina: Mira's Hope

The Sword of Lumina: Mira's Last

In The Press



The Prophecy cover page 1.jpg

The Prophecy


I started on this journey to becoming an author over six years ago. In truth, it was always one of my bucket list goals, but when it became a reality, it was such an amazing feeling! Now, not only do I write, but I also get to edit books! Not bad for making dreams come true!

I started writing young adult fantasy because I find it's a great escape and it's the genre I love to read!

 I live in a small town in Ohio with my incredible husband and our five awesome kids. I love Christmas, being outdoors, painting, reading (shocking, I know), and someday my husband and I want to live on the beach. What can I say, never stop dreaming!



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